Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Own Wholesaling Business

No matter if you’ve been in business for ten years or ten days, the reasons why most businesses fail are the same: failing to research your niche, determining demand, not having an updated business plan in place, and not asking for help when you need it. This short piece will discuss these important facets to ensure your wholesaling business is a smashing success.

Prospecting Sucks

Let me say this: prospecting sucks. For 5 years I have been an avid student of network marketing. I’ve listened to hundreds of tapes and filled my library with all of the right books. I got into the right mindset, put affirmations all over my home office, and I’ve worked – HARD. I purchased opportunity seeker leads, learned how to set up an autoresponder and tweaked those campaigns for YEARS. I tried every recommended lead provider I could find and jacked up my credit card bi...