Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

The Human Side Of Ad Tracking

Do you know why people buy from you? What part of your offer put them over the edge? Let's face it, you worked for a long time on your sales copy. You created bonuses, designed a guarantee, sweated over the benefits and how to communicate them. But which of those factors really connect with the buyers? What actually motivated the purchase? If you knew, you could pump up the benefits and the parts of your offer that really drive sales. But how can you tell? Actually, ...

What Is An Affiliate Income?

An affiliate income refers to a check you can receive from a company each month that represents a percentage of the amount of money customers spend in purchasing that company's product or service. This is based on the customers that you refer to the company's website that actually do make a purchase. In order to get started in this type of online business, your first step is to find a product that you can write about and join a free affiliate marketing program for that produc...

Home Business Writing Opportunity

SEO Keyword Articles, A Great Home Business Writing Opportunity To Make Real Cash. For every successful freelance writer who is living the dream by writing for Rolling Stone, Newsweek or Cosmopolitan, there are a thousand others who come up against rejection after rejection and start to lose faith that they will ever make money from their craft. It’s easy to get discouraged that your writing will never get you anywhere, but there is one very good home business writing oppo...

The Humble Postcard Is Making A Comeback

If you were a contestant on Jeopardy and the answer was "Postcards," what would the question be? How about: "What is one of the most incredibly effective, yet under-utilized methods for driving qualified buyers to your business or website?" Many businesses think postcards are a little old-fashioned for this era of Internet Marketing, but nothing could be further from the truth. Online marketers are discovering that using email lists as an effective form of marketi...