Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Choosing A Home Based Business Opportunity

The market is wide open and the demand for working from home is getting more and more popular. With many people suddenly finding themselves unemployed because of changes in their work place, many more are also looking at the idea of working from home. This article will offer some suggestions in choosing a home based business opportunity. Here are five things that will help you decide. Write Down Some Ideas Here is where you can be wild and creative. Make three separa...

The importance of Guanxi (relationship) when doing business in China

In order to be successful in doing business in China, one needs to realize the importance of Guanxi (relationship). Guanxi (relationship) plays a huge role in determining the success or failure of your business. Establishment of a strong Guanxi (relationship) can truly aid you in your business and increases your chances of being successfully in China.