Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Ultimate Wealth Package: Is It Worthy Of Its Name?

What Is Ultimate Wealth Package All About? Have you been considering the Ultimate Wealth Package? The sales page makes a lot of promises, but doesn't give you much detail at all. So let me fill you in! Ultimate Wealth Package is a guide that has been put together by a young guy named Mark Warren. Within the guide he shows you in simple steps how he himself made his internet fortune, and how you too, by following the same steps can do the same. Does Ultimate Wealth Pa...

Public Speaking: 9 Characteristics Of The Greats

There's more to speaking than sharing a few words. Here are the top nine characteristics of public speakers that you can use too 1. Solid Content. Even a person lacking charismatic gifts can develop solid content. Always share something the audience finds valuable to their lives. 2. Humorous. It's hard to hate someone you laugh with. The best speakers find a way to get people smiling early in the program. It opens hearts and makes the group receptive. You don't have to ...

What is ERP?

Enterprise Resource Planning, also known as ERP, is a method designed to integrate several different data sources and/or processes into one single unified system.

Understanding Marketing: 5 Common Misconceptions

Everybody seems to know Marketing. The world is full of Marketing gurus. We all talk about with a remarkable ease and confidence, though most of the times we are not Marketing professionals and not even close. What are the most frequent mistakes in understanding Marketing practices and theories? 1. Defining Marketing There is clearly a general tendency in employing the notion of Marketing within a confusing mix of Public Relations, Advertising, or Media Planning. Regardle...