Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Publish Your Own Community Magazine

It is not surprising that for almost every subject or topic you can think of today, somewhere online you will be able to find a source of information to guide you. Think of a promising business opportunity and there is no doubt that someone will have already cornered the market somewhere. Coming up with an original idea, something a little different from the rest, is not easy, and if you do eventually make a start, the competition is guaranteed to be tough. So why no...

What is Loan?

A loan is a type of debt. All material things can be lent; this article, however, focuses exclusively on monetary loans. Like all debt instruments, a loan entails the redistribution of financial assets over time, between the lender and the borrower.

Coffee Table

A coffee table is a crucial piece of furniture in every living rooms of our home, but it's once in a blue moon used to serve formal coffee from. Those days were gone when in afternoon get-togethers coffee and biscuits were served, complete with linen tablecloths and silver spoons and fine china. Today, a coffee table is a strapping piece of furniture designed to withstand the antics of children and adults alike.

Punctuate Your Point!

Does punctuation matter in an email message? Yes! Why is following the rules of punctuation so important? To answer that question, ask yourself another question – are your customers or colleagues going to be comfortable with your work when you can’t even punctuate a sentence properly? By using proper punctuation, you can demonstrate that you are professional and competent.

Sell Services Online

Want to sell services on the Internet - it's easy when you know how and David Carter, a highly successful UK Internet Marketer, writer and entrepreneur shows you just how easy it can be to sell professional services online.