Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Put Your Skills To Use and Help Others!

All of us have valuable skills that we may not realize because they are so a part of who we are. You can help someone else by offering them your skills as a favor or as a way to make some extra money. You would be amazed at the types of information that people are willing to pay for these days. You can create an e-book and sell it online to those that are interested in a particular skill that you have.

Use Your Ebay Store To Double Your Sales

If you don't have an eBay store you could be losing money big time. Why? When eBay stores first came out they were a flop. They actually wanted you to pay big time listing fees to put items in your store for up to 30 days but store items don't appear in the regular eBay searches. Because eBay stores were not doing that well eBay added "Good Till Canceled" listings. The listing fees are only 5 cents every 30 days which is a total bargain. But the big problem again is ...


Selling a successful running business is not as simple as it sounds. This article throws light on the process of selling a business from start to end and emphasis on certain key points which are normally overlooked.