Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Starting A Direct Sales Company

The goal in starting a direct sales company is the same for each and every entrepreneur, which is to build a profitable business that earns a regular income. How to accomplish this can be confusing, especially with the large number of direct sales opportunities available to you. The way to choose the best direct sales opportunity is not unlike purchasing a car or home. You must study the information that is relevant to your personal goals and make informed decisions. If you s...

What’s Hot About Cool Touch Laminators

Laminators are not longer just being used in large office buildings or printing plants. Today many people are opting for a home laminator that preserves and protects a wide range of important paper products. Schools have also gotten in the laminating swing of things by creating colourful and lasting memories of the children’s projects, self-made books and other artwork. Take a look at some of the many uses for laminators. Where to Use a Desk Top Laminator Desk top lam...

What’s My Competitor Doing?

You won’t win every piece of work you pitch for; it’s just not possible…and very time you lose a contract it’s going to a competitor. However, you can help prevent this from happening by analysing the competition. Why analyse competition? How does this help? It allows you to understand why your competitor looked like a more appropriate fit for your perspective clients needs as well as what they are doing that you aren’t. To get contracts, you need to understand how you los...

Rapid Prototyping Revolution

In the past, any new consumer or industrial product part brought to market had to first have a prototype built to ensure that the design could be properly applied and used by the manufacturer. Years ago, these were often wooden miniatures and clay models. More recently, laser-sintering technology has allowed plastic samples to be built from CAD/CAM electronic drawings and powdered resin.

How Can A Virtual Office Help My Home-Based Business?

This article is intended for the professional who operates out of their home or for the home-based business owner. The convenience and economy of working from home is nice, however, as the business grows the need for an office located in a “business location” will increase. However, you currently cannot afford nor need all the services of an executive suite or serviced office. A virtual office is an excellent alternative which can save up to 78% of the cost of traditional off...

Video And Meeting Presentation Tips For Newbies

I'm an A-V Geek, and for thirty years, I've sweated the big and small stuff as a producer of meetings, conferences, and sales rallies. During that time I have developed a checklist of five special "secrets” I use to insure that the meeting media will go right. Go right? You see, the customer has paid big bucks for the video or multimedia piece that will help the crowd shake off the cobwebs (or hangovers) and get focused on the goals, spirit and business of the meeting. I ...