Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Create Your Network Marketing Momentum

In network marketing, substantial wealth is created only after you have achieved momentum. This momentum can be thought as very similar to the doubling effect of compound interest. Compound interest is "Interest which is calculated not only on the initial principal but also the accumulated interest of prior periods." In the case of your network marketing efforts your initial principal is your initial effort. Your accumulated interest is that of your sponsors... .

Reducing Legal Malpractice Exposure

Many legal malpractice claims share common allegations/themes that can be avoided if law firms have the proper risk management measures in place. Implementation and maintained use of some very rudimentary systems and procedures can reduce the likelihood of being sued, or in the event you are sued, can bolster your defense. Below are some basic tips law firms can utilize to help reduce their legal malpractice exposure.

Create Your Own Home Spa With A Personal Massage Bathtub

Most of you lead a hectic lifestyle, one which is jam-packed with chores, errands, and last-minute shopping. With such a fast-paced life, it becomes difficult to even find time to rest or pamper yourself by visiting a day spa. This need for relaxation at home has given birth to the concept of home spa. One of the most essential requirements for a home spa is a personal massage bathtub where you can just bubble-up, steam, and soak yourself to relax in the privacy of your own home and at your own time.

“Powering Off” or “Power On?”

Do you take your laptop on vacation? Do you sometimes “hate” your cell phone or your Blackberry? Harris Interactive recently reported that one-third of vacationers take their laptops on vacation. During a Sunday meal at a restaurant recently, I observed a man sitting with his family talking on his cell phone -- obviously about business. He was not happy – neither was his family!