Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

When Your Product Makes People Feel Great, You Make Money!

We've all heard about the importance of offering a product or service that is a good value. The better the value, the more sales you will make and the more money you will earn. Sometimes good value can be based on a low price, or finding an otherwise hard-to-find product or service. Good value can have more to do with customer service or service after the sale. But how about this one: the best value comes from a product or service that makes you FEEL good. Think about i...

How To Be A Stay At Home Mom With A Home Business

If you are a mom, then you already have a full time job with an endless amount of overtime hours. Even with all of the responsibilities that being a mom includes, some women decide to be a stay at home mom with a home business. This can be a very rewarding adventure and allows some additional cash flow into the household. Being a stay at home mom with a home business takes a lot of dedication, patience and, most of all, determination. You will probably want to start out sm...

Reselling Web Conferencing Services: How To Profit From The Coming Boom In Web & Video Conferencing

If you want to make money in an online business, then you need to find a product or service that is fresh, up-to-date and that hasn’t been beaten to death with hundreds of copy-cat affiliates. Web and video conferencing are relatively new applications, and becoming a reseller of online conferencing services could be a good way to start up or add to an already existing online business. Let’s take a look at the prospects for this type of online enterprise. First of all, web...

Where Are The Facts About Outsourcing

Outsourcing of jobs to offshore companies has been a hot-button issue since the 1960s when the United States began losing automotive manufacturing jobs to Japan. In recent years, the outsourcing of technical jobs has revived the debate which became one of the top issues in the 2004 presidential campaign. However, actual facts and statistics about the effect of outsourcing on the American economy are hard to come by. Rhetoric, not facts, dominate the discussion of whether outs...

Residential Telecom Audits

No business can flourish without an efficient and advanced telecommunications infrastructure in its offices and factories. All employees need a communication device to maintain their efficiency and save precious time. Obviously it means the establishment of an extensive telecom network in your offices. A big chunk of your budget has to be allocated for the successful operation and optimum utilization of telecom resources. You need to maintain a separate department to oversee the functioning of the telecom network and its finances.

What Do You Mean You Don’t Have Anything To Write About?

One of the questions I’m repeatedly asked is how to use article marketing when you’re not a writer and don’t have anything to write about. If you say you have nothing to write about, I think you’re wrong. I’m willing to bet you have more topics to write about than you have time. But, here are a few suggestions to help you get over that writers block. First, don’t stare at a blank computer screen waiting for an idea to come to you. You’re probably putting too much pressure ...