Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

What Is Buzzworthiness? How Do We Create A Marketing Buzz?

What pops into your mind when you hear the word buzzworthy or even just buzz? Well for starters, when I hear the word buzz on its own, I think of bees swarming around a hive full of honey. If I think a little further I get an image of a busy New York street, a mall full of people, or even a festival/parade. These things also bring me back to the image of the bees buzzing around a hive of honey, the only difference is that they're people, and the honey is something that att...

Set Your Marketing Goals In 10 Simple Steps: How To Plan For Your Success

Does this sound in any way familiar? *Last year you declared that it was THE year to grow your business. You may even have made a to-do list that included things like "Make more money," "Find new clients," etc. But despite creating your trusty list, life got in the way, as it is wont to do, so you're no closer to meeting your goal now than you were this time last year. In fact, just thinking about what you (gulp!) didn't accomplish makes you a little uncomfortable ...

What Is Education Based Marketing

Selling-based marketing is built around a selling message, sometimes called a sales pitch. The sales pitch is often delivered using methods that reach out to prospective customers, such as telephone selling, direct mail and door-to-door sales. Education-Based Marketing is built around an educational message, which replaces the sales message. The educational message is commonly delivered to prospective clients through educational means. These include written materials, med...

Seven Offline Viral Marketing Ideas

Recently I participated in a forum discussion about offline marketing – that is using more traditional marketing offline to drive traffic to your website or blog. I can still remember the first time I saw a URL in a TV commercial and how cool I thought that was. The offline world has the constraint of geography, so the least expensive forms of viral marketing are going to be geographically bound, which can be challenging for some sites. Someone on the forum said that offli...

Retail Merchant Accounts – Do You Need One?

Some entrepreneurs are satisfied with making a certain amount of income and have no wish or plan to grow their business with a retail merchant account. Others, however, aggressively pursue professional opportunities for expansion by seeking out technological advances that can help them better serve customer needs while increasing profits. A retail merchant account will elevate you to the next level of business development by providing access to sophisticated methods that can ...