Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Who Do You Blame If They Learn Nothing At Your Seminar?

Ted, Alice, Pete and Rita are all attending the same seminar. They all expect to learn something, after all that's why they are there. Trouble is they each have very individual and different ways of learning, so this seminar had better take this into account or some of them may come away disappointed. Ted had been to events before where he could not get satisfactory answers to his questions and was disappointed that he could not get to grips with the theories that were bei...

What is Marketing

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas or goods and services, that will ultimately satisfy a customer demand.

Retiring Vice Chairman Dominates Ford News

As of late, Ford news has surrounded the company announcement made earlier this year pertaining to the retirement of longtime Ford executive, Greg Smith. After starting out as an engineer with truck operations in 1973, Smith was atop Ford news as he moved up to Vice Chairman after more than 30 years with the company. Now, after 32 years of service, Smith has announced his retirement effective March 1, 2006.

Seven Reasons Why Seasonal Marketing Sells Products

The celebration of Thanksgiving is approaching and later on will come Christmas, then New Year's, Saint Valentines Day and so on... Now, what is so special about each celebration? They all increase the selling of products. There are many reasons why you should consider seasonal marketing to promote your products, including the seven which are listed below: 1. People tend to buy more products during seasonal celebrations than the rest of the year. 2. People are det...

A Call to Action

Because of a recent boom in business, my company needed to update our office phone system. We had a very nice system in place already, but our business had tripled within a matter of months.

What Is Marketing?

To too many people marketing equates to one of two things: - Selling: with all that entails such as the dreaded double-glazing or financial salesman. - Advertising: with all that entails such as the slick young creative and smarmy account person. Of course marketing also encompasses these functions – though, hopefully not as in the stereotypes that are in so many minds – but marketing is about a great deal more than just selling or advertising. Marketing is the wide...

A Phone by Any Other Name…

I recently left the company I was working for and took a new position with a new employer at a much higher salary. My business is IT, and I left the comfort and stabilty of my old job to work for a startup firm which I think will be a big success. They knew they were going to have to pay for quality personnel so they had no problem meeting my demands in terms of salary, benefits and stock options. What I didn't realize is that while they aren't skimping on compensation, the office environment they provide leaves a lot to be desired.