Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

What My Cat Taught Me About Niche Marketing

Some people are "dog people," others are "cat people." I'm a cat person. Regardless of which pet you prefer, we can all agree that pets enrich our lives in many ways. They provide unconditional affection, they don't care what we look like, and sometimes even they teach us a life lesson. But I never expected my cat to teach me a marketing lesson! A niche marketing lesson, to be more precise. At this point, the dog lovers reading this are saying that this cat person is cr...

What On Earth Are Trade Exhibitions For?

As a Sydney-based exhibition designer, Ove Prado often conducts his own survey of trade shows. He tries to work out, from what he sees, the purpose that each stand is playing in that company's marketing strategy. “All too often”, he says, “the message is confusing and some designs actually drive customers to walk straight past” Renting space at a trade exhibition, designing a stand, having it built and staffing it for the duration of the exhibition shares some of the essen...

How to develop leaders?

When leaders are born they are usually born in rare lands. So what about the rest?? Can they not be developed into full fledged leaders capable of taking the responsibility of their own work and the works of their peers? Well, this is not true; you can also inspire yourself and people around you to give their best shot in terms of performance. If these skills can be developed from a very early age then the problem can be well sorted. If the child grows up to learn that he has certain set of responsibilities and duties which are have to be necessarily carried out then a sense of self esteem would develop in him from a very tender age.

What P&G Can Learn From Network Marketing’s Biggest Mistake

As a fan of P&G and someone who's been educating the Network Marketing industry for 17 years, my heart sank when I read about P&G's latest marketing tactic - bribing women to use their friendships to sell soap. NM has created an image of an industry whose people use and abuse their friends for personal gain. P&G has just created an army of 600,000 women who are using their friends in exchange for soap and coupons. The NM recruiters' pitch: Make money doing what you do e...

How to develop a positive attitude to resistance?

Adversities and challenges are part of lives and in stead of avoiding them one should confront them head on. The people who try to avoid such situations of resistance in life are most likely to emerge as a loser in life. They must take resistance in their stride and develop such a positive attitude which would not only give them to survive these difficult times but also at the same time give them the paths of solutions when they meet with similar or more difficult situation. So face them with smile and learn to emerge out of this situation as a true winner.