Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

What’s Bias Got To Do With It?

Interesting people have opinions and beliefs that they they feel strongly about. Let's call these biases, especially when talking about theirs. Hehe. Bias: A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment. What does this mean for you marketing a product you love? 1. Everyone doesn't have the same biases you do. And they like their biases just as much as you like yours. 2. If you continue to try to force everyone to convert to your...

What is low morale?

Low organizational morale has really pulled down the performance of many efficient and experienced people in any department of any organization. Actually these cases of low morale are found in departments like finance which really does a tough work of creating a huge amount of stress and pressure over the employees. One such instant where they are unable to meet the demands of work and clients, and they simply land up losing all their confidence at one go. Therapists are very often asked for help where they can do a brilliant job of lifting up the spirit of people working in any department of the organization. Let us have a look at the causes and cures of the problem of low morale.

How to develop concrete supervisory skills?

Any kind of career advancement would require an organization as well as an individual to master concrete and distinct supervisory skills. At times it becomes really important to shoulder more responsibilities. For this any group or dedicated team may think of hiring extra employees and there would be one such person present in the team who with his vision and supervisory skills is sure to guide the people working under his authority. These are actually building blocks and the steps to making a successful organization.

What’s Toll Free Numbers Got To Do With Ecommerce?

Sometimes skimping on things can save you good money. But skimping is not always the wisest business strategy. For example, I could’ve written this article in the windows program notepad as opposed to Microsoft Word, and saved a good $500 and never had to buy the latest version of Microsoft Office… However, wouldn’t it be worth the $500 if the improved impression of professionalism put forth in all of my writings some how garnered ten times that in profit? Would you have read...