Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Sales From The Crypt

In today's contemporary society, where everything can be done already over the Net, online shopping is one lucrative activity for the seller and convenience for the buyer. This is where eBay comes in the limelight. Every online shoppers and online traders can benefit a lot in eBay. But because of its wide diversity, things being sold on eBay had increased to amore wider, broader, and weirder. Yes! With the wide access and convenience eBay gives to its members, there w...

Discover What Prospects Consider Most Important In Deciding On A Company

Who gave the presentation? Is that a surprise? It’s about YOU. People join people, they don’t join companies. So the most important item to prospects by a landslide is "who gave the presentation?" Again, that's from a prospect standpoint. Maybe to us it’s more important to know the company name, how long it’s been in business, who’s the founder, and so forth. The prospect wants to know exactly who gave the presentation. This is a people business, when you care about people, they relate to that.

What To Look For In A “Ghost-Writer” For Your Online Business

Finding a writer for your online business can be a daunting task. If you’ve done your search right, you’ve probably had more writers respond to you than people who try out for American Idol (OK, probably not, but you’ve probably got 5-10). Now, how do you cull through them and decide which ones will be appropriate for your online business? If you have a website for your online business, you need to make sure that the writer has a good knowledge of search engine optimizatio...

Education headhunters

People who work as education headhunters are highly motivated people. They work in this field to locate such skilled professionals who are capable of giving the right value to the education industry actually. The job of the education headhunter is interesting no doubt but then at the same time it requires a lot of dedication as well. Looking for the right person and getting them fixed in a position where they would be best able to extract the goodness and even the position is being able to give and take proportionately is really interesting. Let us take a look at such organizations and browse through some more relevant information pertaining to finding education jobs.

What To Put On Content Sites

I am constantly asked the following question: “What should I put on my content sites?” Of course they are asking about my traffic generation strategy where I recommend creating content sites and pushing the traffic to a product site. Here are some possibilities to put on your content site: 1. A Resource Directory Resource directories used to be a great form of content. Yahoo actually got it’s start as a resource directory. They are now the #2 most visited site ...

What To Say: How to Find Material To Fill Your Seminar or Small Business Management Course

Seminar marketing is one of the most productive and cost-effective ways to build your financial practice! Sponsored seminars are expected to grow 10 to 15% annually for the next decade. Sponsored seminar marketing provides you with a repeatable, systematic marketing process where you can leverage your knowledge.