Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

SAS 70

SAS 70 is the Statement of Auditing Standards number 70 which is in regards to service organizations. These statements of auditing standards include the frequency of auditing, what one should be looking for during these audits, and the assessment of the service organization.

Resume blasting services on the internet

The internet thought of changing its mode of helping people out when it came to submitting resume by job seekers. From then onwards the job seekers have tried out many new methods of having their resume posted to various online sites to reach out to their potential employers. Now they maintain a resume database where they get to collect all the information about interested candidates and potential employees for their organization.

Wheelchair Spares

Among the important things to consider when buying wheelchair is the availability of spare parts. Anytime you need to change parts of your wheelchair make sure that they are compatible with you and your wheelchair needs.

Save Money – Use Projector Bulbs

Halogen lights have become popular as an overhead projector light. These projector bulbs provide high-intensity light that gives the presentation better lighting and dimming that ensure positive image precision. Here are the characteristics of the projector bulbs that you should consider in purchasing one. The projector bulb comes in many design, brand names, model, wattage and voltage. To identify whether the projector bulbs would fit your projector equipment, make sure lear...

Where Is Your Phone Number?

There is probably a major problem lurking on your sales page right now. And it could be hurting your profits. Experts agree that one of the most important factors in a successful website is credibility. This frequently translates into the credibility of the site owner. People are more likely to buy from somebody they believe in. Is your website as credible as it could be? People judge credibility by many subtle factors. Does the design of the site look professiona...

Mississippi Construction Jobs

With the state symbol of magnolia, Mississippi is South American state with Jackson as the capital. Mississippi construction offers jobs to several categories of workers- concrete laborers, commercial constructors, carpenters. Heavy equipment operators, Maintenance department, Hvac, Warehouse employees, managers of the constructions, project managers, project superintendents, construction laborers, crane operators, electricians, drywall laborers, painters, welders, roofing laborers, plumbers, engineers, field technicians and central technicians, tampers etc.