Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Your Image is Important

A good logo must represent the business image appealingly and effectively. It must likewise be practical and functional as complicated logos often leave customers confused and wondering what is actually being sold or presented.

Alaska Construction Jobs

Alaska is known to be the largest state in the United States of America in terms of the area. But it is the least densely populated area with most of its population residing in the Anchorage metropolitan. This state is filled with thousands of lakes; much of the area is covered by forests and surrounded by glacier complexes. The Bering Glacier complex is situated in Alaska.

Your Marketing Efforts Sink, Swim Or Soar Depending On How Well You Satisfy The

A few years ago I created a to-do list for my business (different from my to-do list for clients). Nearly every day I would add something to the list. Soon, I had over five pages of things to do -- tasks I viewed as important enough to interrupt what I was doing so I could add them to my list. Before long, every time I opened the document I got depressed. I was always adding to the list, but almost never crossing anything off. Why? I discovered I had a number of well-...

Advertising Search Firms

Advertising search firms are meant to look for deserving employees for several posts for different business organizations. Various agencies or such firms also take up specialized searches like that of advertising executive search firms. These firms search for and supply experienced and qualified personnel for the vacant post in an advertising agency. Advertising search firms are specifically meant for advertising agencies only.

Your Secret Marketing Weapon

As a professional service provider, you’re paid for what you know. People come to your firm for the expertise you offer, first and foremost. Did you also realize that this is also your secret marketing weapon? By sharing what you know, you actually attract people to you and build their confidence in you as the right solution for their problem. Now many professionals are afraid to “give away” trade secrets or expertise for free, but that’s not what I’m talking about. This is about putting content regularly out into the marketplace that is of enough value that prospects will automatically think of you when they have a need.

Advertising Jobs in Chicago

Advertising jobs are concerned with selling more products of a particular brand or company. Business is all about production of items and selling them off to earn revenue. Now if a company makes products but not many people are aware of it then the sales would be low or very low and the company would run in loss and would soon have to be shut down. For this reason, a company has to make itself known as well as its products known. For making people aware of the existence of their products, organizations take to advertising them.

Sculpting Time: Creating A Schedule That Works For Your Home Based Business

Whether you are interested in making money from home as a full time job or as one in multiple streams of income, it is important to focus on time management. Home businesses are enticing because, let’s face it everyone would love to cut their commute time from an hour to the two minutes it takes to walk into the next room. However, many home business owners fall into the trap of making every little distraction a priority over their businesses. The key to creating a system...