Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Your Site Logs Can Help You Make A Ton Of Money

I’m a busy guy. I own several traditional brick and mortar businesses, and I spend a lot of time online. Since last month I’ve been spending a lot of time working on this blog and re-orienting myself on the Net. So every morning I let my four dogs out, grab a cup of coffee and toast a bagel, then run upstairs and get on my computer. Some days I need to be out of the house at 9:00 AM to get somewhere, and some days I have nothing but time. Either way there are three things ...

Your Web Site’s Success Are You A Perceived Expert

Do you want to know what it takes to successfully market a web site and generate repeat sales? It's simple really. You must position yourself as a perceived expert. It doesn't matter what product or service you are selling, this same premise will hold true. What is a perceived expert, you ask? Good question. Gone are the days where you could build a simple company web site, list your products and send customers to an order page. New web sites are sprouting...

HR Jobs in Maryland – Tips on finding HR Jobs in Maryland

Doing an HR job is perhaps not the easiest in the world. You as an HR executive will form the essential link between employees of a company and the company administration itself. Your job as an HR executive will require you to not only be a link between the two bodies of people in a company but will also need you to provide a check or balance on the quality of the people employed by the company itself. In simple terms you are in charge of reviewing their working ability and writing reports on their performances.

SEC Filing Services

When you are in charge of the EDGAR filings for your public company, you know that you have to be accurate, time effective, and very thorough. It is a real challenge to do all of this on your own, and that is why most public companies turn to agents to do their EDGAR filing.Before you begin your filing for the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, you need to have all of your financial documentation.

Advertiser – How to be a More Effective Advertiser

The exposure of the world to print, audio and visual media has gone up tremendously. Today, even the cell phone that you carry with yourself is a potential advertisement tool. It goes without saying that advertisements are what a company is all about. It is the effectiveness of an advertisement that gives a company its much required publicity, promotion, sales and eventually profits. With the increase in the number of media that invade our lives today, the amount of advertisements has also gone up.


This article deals with key decisions involved with starting a business and the advantages of having you own business. Furthermore it throws light on the various kinds of business structures and how a successful business plan should be laid out.

Advertising Manager – How to Be a Successful Advertising Manager

The word manager comes from the word management. The meaning of the former has undergone extensive changes and today a manager stands for ‘a person who can multi-task’ (and is nearly the jack and master of all trades!). The scope of work has increased tremendously, thanks to the newer avenues that have opened up. A manager also needs to be at creative genius and this is especially true when you’re an ‘Advertising Manager’!