Career Advice

Financial Careers – How to Blow Away the Competition in Financial Job Seeking

financial careers have been the most sought after jobs for a couple of decades now. And it is expected that demand for these jobs will continue to grow in the future as well. Since so many people desire to have career in finance, there is a lot of competition in the market. So you have to be always on your toes, fighting off competitors as they come your way.

Accountant Careers – Q & A About Certified Public Accountant Job Opportunities

A Certified Public Accountant degree or a CPA degree is very helpful for all accountants. This certificate is the key to several other accounting opportunities - both government as well as public. You will have to appear for an exam in order to achieve this certificate. You have to prepare yourself very well to qualify this exam.

Construction Careers – Top 10 Tips for Finding Good Highway Construction Job Opportunities

Construction careers seem to be the in thing right now. With all sorts of development programs and strategies coming along smoothly all around the world the construction worker careers seem to be the likeliest of all the other modes of earning a livelihood. Within the construction careers you have the opportunity to go for the road construction careers or the commercial construction careers.

Education Career – 7 Steps to Success in Education

A career in education is what many people are pursuing of late because of the multiple benefits that come with the job. To be successful in education, one requires certain innate qualities. People who possess these have a natural knack for teaching and a special bond with students that enrich their life and make their work so much more than just a job. a good teacher is one who not only teaches, but one who inspires and is able to affect the minds and lives of the students.

Human Resources Careers – Top 10 Tips for Being an HR Manager

Human resource is one of the most desired job profiles in a service industry and yet very tricky to get. The reason why some chosen people are in the HR is that they are better people managers and a HR is supposed to do that - precisely. People having better interpersonal and soft skills can be chosen over one who may have a greater degree or even experience! Now that you've got the HR job, here are top 10 tips to see your HR career fly!

How to Create a Powerful Career

If you compared you career to the Wizard of Oz, would you be at the start of the path, where the Lion lacked courage, the Tin Man had no heart, and the Scarecrow had no brain? Would you be Dorothy when she was moving forward to find her way back home or Dorothy in the beginning of the movie when she was afraid because the wicked witch was chasing her?

Great Careers Don't Happen by Accident: Dos and Don'ts for Self-Promotion on the Job

Inside the office, most of us assume that the employees who work the hardest are the smartest, or that those who produce the best results are the same ones who wind up with the best projects, the most interesting opportunities - even the bigger raises and better promotions. After all, this kind of work-reward pattern makes sense; in school, the students who studied the most and worked the hardest usually got the A's, right?