Business Trends

Is It Time To Consider A Pet-Related Business?

If you read up on trends in business or home business, then you've probably seen quite a few articles recently on the pet industry. To put it briefly, more and more people are owning more and more pets. The figures are amazing, both in terms of numbers of pets owned and amounts spent on pets. According to the APPMA (the American Pet Products Manufacturer's Association), pet spending has more than doubled from $17 billion in 1994 to about $38.4 billion in 2006. And spendin...

Australian Business for Sale

Thinking of where you could buy a lucrative Australian business? This is a quick guide to online companies that will offer you the most number of options. These selected sites offer searching for properties and businesses by industry, location, date and price. For some, there are additional features such as access to the site’s network who can provide investment advice, access to related services (accounting, etc.), and e-mail alerts for new business offerings within Australia.

Are You Serious About Your Work At Home Business?

Are you treating your business like a Fortune 500 Company or like a Yard Sale? Take this quiz to find out. How would you describe your Office? a.) Corporate or b.) Chaos Which word describes you personal appearance while you’re working? a.) Success or b.) Mess And, how would you describe your attitude towards your business? a.) Winner or b.) Winging-it If you chose only ‘a’ answers, then congratulations! You’re thinking like a Fortune 500 company! If...

Wholesale Marketing Business

Now you have made the decision that you want to get into the wholesale marketing business, it is now time to start making some money, this is great as it is one of the fastest growing industries on the net, actually it is one of the fastest growing industries period. So, what have you decided to sell? Have you figured this part out yet?, or are you still up in the air with this one? There are some very important things to consider when going into wholesale Internet marketing,...

Business Startups

Starting a new business can be a very exciting time, you are going to be your own boss, decide what and when you do things, manage the purse strings, and in fact you are in control of everything. Are you really in control of the situation though, you have to deal with everything yourself so you have to stay focused on what you want to do and why. All business startups need advice; sometimes they need advice on where to get advice, so the budding entrepreneur has to be able to...