Business Trends

How To Build Your Online Consignment Business

Get the Word Out! Consignment is a simple concept—taking other people’s products and selling them for a percentage of the sale. According to Skip McGrath, of, a successful eBay PowerSeller, “[Consignment selling] is the fastest growing phenomenon on eBay.” The key to successful online consignment is marketing your services. You really have to promote your business, and McGrath shares some techniques for doing just that. There are four areas you’ll us...

Options For An Online Business – A Beginner’s Guide

There’s more than one way to skin a cat, and there’s more than one way to make money online. In fact, there are tons of ways! I’ll list a few here. Information or "Content" Sites Basically this is just what it sounds like…a website with lots of good information on a particular topic. How do you make money? There are several ways sites like this can make money. They can be monetized with Google AdSense ads. You can recommend affiliate products (basically selling ot...

Work From Home Business – 4 Most Popular And Quickest Ways Start Working From Home

It is very trendy to have a work from home business these days. Making money online is increasingly becoming popular as people seek to be in charge of their financial situation, earn income from home and get a better work-life balance. The internet is full of various opportunities for making money online. However, besides the genuine ways to make money online, there are also some scams which pry on those who are not well-informed about the legitimate and proven ways to make m...

Naming Your Local Business

Pothole Pictures: Normally this name wouldn't create a positive image for a movie theater. But in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, where glacial potholes in the Deerfield River running through the village are a cherished part of the landscape, the name works well. When naming a business whose geographical reach and clientele are mainly local, you can use nicknames, regional or city lore, local in-jokes and historical references that might be lost on outsiders. Subliminally...