Business Trends

Multi-Task Your Way To A Healthy Body And A Booming Business

Can you relate to this dilemma? I sit on my keister too many hours each day while I'm working. With the holidays coming, I'm a little worried about it... growing. Without getting into too many details about my keister, we'll just say that it's definitely not the best thing for any keister to be sitting too long each day and leave it at that. Do you spend too much time in your swivel chair, too? That got me thinking. A lot of my time sitting is spent listening to r...

Merchant Accounts a Necessity for Both Traditional and Online Businesses

Merchant accounts that allow business owners to accept a variety of customer preferred payment methods have become commonplace in traditional business settings. Even small businesses, such as fast food providers, convenience stores and kiosk sized retailers have accepted the fact that allowing for multiple popular payment options is a wise decision. Far few consumers are carrying cash these days, and even those who are often prefer the safety and security of paying via credit card or check, if for no other reason than to have an accurate, detailed account of each purchase.

5 Fun Party Games For Direct Sales That Will Boost Your Business

If you are in direct sales, the money is all in the parties you do. You want your hostess and her guests to have as much fun as possible, but at the same time, you need to educate them on and interest them in your products. You may also want to plant the idea of one of them becoming a consultant. Party games can accomplish all of this while providing entertainment to the guests. Here are a few of our favorite games. Give them a try and watch your business grow. 1) Bingo ...

Business Card, Here To Stay?

For as long as I have been alive (all of 27 years) business cards have been a very popular way to solidify a contact. Printing of the cards has gotten to be more quality for less money and so everyone and their brother has a business card. When I was real young it was a phone number and maybe a fax number if the office was real up and coming on the technology scene. Now technology has taken over business to the point that it is a valid question whether or not there will be bu...

Getting Your Craft Show Business Off The Ground

For years, family, friends and even people who you just meet, have really liked the crafts you produce. They are the centerpiece for conversation at holiday dinners, or the, “that’s a great idea” thing when neighbors come over for a coffee. So, you’ve decided that you might be able to make a profit off of selling your crafts to others. Great! Here’s what you need to do to make it work! 1.) Have a plan – Even if you just scrawl it down on a piece of loose leaf paper, that w...