Business Trends

Explode Your Consulting Income

Here are just a few ways to increase and diversify your income from your consulting business. 1. Sell More Services to Your Existing Clients Instead of spending all that time and money trying to get new business, why not try to sell more services to your existing client base? If you are an accounting and tax consulting firm, for example, you likely have clients who need some assistance in their record keeping and documentation. In addition to your year-end tax servic...

Make Your Business Grow

No matter how big or small your business, there are things that an owner should do to make his business grow. At one time or another, every business owner has stayed awake at night and said, "What do I do now." For some reason, things aren't going as well as you think that they should.

Top Tips For Starting Your New Business

Prices are going up, up, up and just about everybody is needing a little extra cash these days. This is probably the best time ever for you to own your own small business. Now before you start thinking you'll have to get a bank loan, remember that you can own a small home-based business for just a few dollars--or even FREE. You can easily run your home business from your kitchen table and, frankly, you can finance your business from a few bucks you save out of the groce...

Writing A Business Plan

Preparing a business plan is the most important part of starting a business. So much rests on the business plan, from financing to suppliers. A business plan shows that you are prepared, educated, and dedicated to your business. A good business plan will define what your business is about, where you expect it to go in the future and how you will get there. The following outline the essentials of a good business plan. 1. Executive Summary - This explains about everything th...