Business Trends

High Return Residual Income Is Possible, Not MLM.

Face it, when you hear the term "residual income" associated with a home business or income stream, most of the time you can bet the business is MLM. You see, residual income is a buzz term used by MLMer's to distract your attention away from the reality that they are selling MLM (I am NOT bashing MLM, just a fact). This is because, regardless what your personal belief is about MLM, many people have been pitched about some form of MLM "over coffee" so much they don't want to ...

Choosing A Business Gift

The business gift that you choose says a lot about you. It provides for your partners a look into the appreciation that you actually have for them. While you may not think much about it, thinking that a gift is a gift, they do. So, choosing the right business gift is quite important. The question is, how can you do this? To choose the business gift that will work, follow these guidelines: • Purchase based on value and meaning rather than price. If you should shop with...