Business Trends

Make Your Fortune In A Paper Business

The problem with some business ideas is their cost. To manufacture and market a product you have invented could cost you millions of dollars. The investment in machinery, buildings, inventory and other expenditures could bankrupt you before your first sale ever occurred. For this reason, many prefer to run a paper business. Paper businesses do not require large investments of capital for expensive equipment, inventory, and buildings. Many paper businesses can be run from y...

Working From Home – Plan Ahead For When Disaster Or Tragedy Occurs

Disasters or family tragedies can strike families in many forms – Mother Nature, sickness and even computer problems can cause major difficulties for your business. Do you have a plan of action on how you will handle your home-based business if disaster were to strike? If not, you absolutely need to. Having a plan ensures that you can not only keep your business running, but decrease stress because you have already prepared for the unexpected. Below are four tips to help y...

Work From Home – You Can Work In The Nude If You So Desire

Hello all you wonderful people out there. Do you have to force yourselves to get up every morning? Do you gulp down a cup of coffee while one arm is trying to find its way into your shirt sleeve? Do you ever count the number of wasted hours you’re stuck in traffic jams? Well folks, that is definitely not my idea of fun! My idea of fun is to work from home. I decide when to get up, what assignments to accept, how many hours a day I want to put in, and when to walk from hom...

Market Failures And Business Cycles (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1 .... Something reverse can happen which would be even more damaging than the just discussed case. Instead of Consumption growing at a faster rate than Savings, it might so happen that Savings and Investment grow at a much faster rate than Consumption. For example, prior to Great Depression, the importance of aggregate demand as explained by Keynes was not understood. As a result government policies normally favored huge Investments and were not geared...