Business Trends

How To Accept Credit Cards At Your Business

Those who are still learning the ropes of running a small or home-based business may be unsure about how to accept credit cards for their goods and services. Perhaps you have sold handmade items by mail order up to this point, receiving a check in the mail as payment. Or you might run a small shop where customers come in to shop and pay by check or cash. If you are wondering how to accept credit cards, here are a few basic guidelines. 1. Apply for a merchant account to fin...

Business – A Dream Come True

Dreams do come true! What you put your attention on does become a reality – the dream of a business created by you is no exception. The dream of owning one’s own business subtly grows within until a person finds a way to let it sprout into fruition. As you look up and down any business street, or on the internet, you can see the truth of this. Few, if any, of these businesses were there forty years ago. Someone’s dreams came true. Unfortunately, not all of these businesse...

Business Documenting – The must for all companies

One of the most important things you can do to ensure the success of your business is to create documented standards for how each and every process is performed throughout the company. Essentially at a very basic level these documents describe in a high level of detail the exacts steps for a particular task, it should be both simple and detailed enough that anyone should be able to review the procedure and do that task.

How To Start Your Own Residential Cleaning Business And Make Extra Money

With rising fuel costs it just seems like everything we buy on a daily basis is going up in price. For some people it's becoming hard to make ends meet and getting another job on the side to work for eight dollars an hour isn’t going to make a huge dent in anyone’s pocket book. An easy way to make extra income as your own side job or business is to pick up a few cleaning accounts.