Business Trends

How Do I Choose A Home Based Business?

Did you know that "home based business" and "work from home" are among the most frequently requested phrases on the search engines? I just entered the term "work from home" at Google, and I got back 4,730,000,000 results. What does that tell you? It tells you that there are plenty of websites around trying to keep up with the demand for information related to working from home. It also tells you that there are plenty of people promoting business opportunities. Network marketi...

Home Businesses: Important Steps To Make Extra Money From Home

There are many ways to make money at home. You can either start your own home business or apply at a company that employs people who can work from home.. The most common ways to make money at home is by starting your own home business. Because of the internet, it is now possible for people to communicate faster wherever they are in the world. Therefore, it is easier for people to start their own home business and sell their product or services more effectively. Howe...

What Do Your Business Emails Reveal About You?

I am a huge fan of email. In fact, if you do business with me the bulk of our communication will not be through the telephone, but via email. Email is quick. Email is convenient. Email takes less time than long-winded telephone conversations. Most importantly, email gives me an electronic record of my communications with clients, employees, partners, and vendors; which makes it easy for me to refresh my quickly-aging memory by easily referring back to our electronic conversat...

How To Balance Your Home And Business When You Work At Home

Many people desire the ability to work at home. They imagine themselves rolling out of bed, commuting 20 feet without any traffic, except for the occasional pet sleeping in the hallway and starting work in their home office as they sip on their favorite latte. Without the daily office politics, commute, and water cooler gossip they feel they’ll be more focused and, ultimately, more efficient. However, with this freedom come some unforeseen drawbacks that can affect your stres...