Business Trends

Send Real Paper Greeting Cards To Build Business And More

Most businesses spend a huge amount of time and money looking for NEW customers. We advertise, make phone calls, even travel cross country for meetings, all in the pursuit of the ever elusive stream of new customers. What we're probably forgetting is that up to 80 percent of our sales growth can and should come from PAST customers. People who have bought from you before are pre-sold on you, your products, and services. It often just takes a simple reminder to get them to ...

Sculpting Time: Creating A Schedule That Works For Your Home Based Business

Whether you are interested in making money from home as a full time job or as one in multiple streams of income, it is important to focus on time management. Home businesses are enticing because, let’s face it everyone would love to cut their commute time from an hour to the two minutes it takes to walk into the next room. However, many home business owners fall into the trap of making every little distraction a priority over their businesses. The key to creating a system...

Taking The Vampire Out Of Online MLM Business Networking

You just got started with a new online MLM business and you want to tell everyone online about it. So, you sign up for all kinds of message boards, email groups and other business networking websites. Before you do anything, please realize that you are dealing with REAL PEOPLE. The Internet seems like this anonymous place where you might feel people won’t really notice you if you engage in any vampirish behavior, but realize that the Internet is no different than dealing w...