Business Trends

Taking Your Business International

Q: I’m interested in doing business internationally. I have done some reading on the subject, but there is an awful lot to digest. Have you had any experience in this matter and can you suggest the best way to get started? -- P. Granger. A: Great question, Mr. Granger, though not one I’m personally qualified to answer since I have not had direct experience with international sales. So like any good columnist without a clue I can either make up something and hope it sounds...

Finding Out Who Really Owns Your Business

Every home business owner loves the idea of owning their own business, but after a while it may become apparent that although their name is on the door and they are accountable for every legal aspect of the business, they may not be the actual owner. Whether you have accepted a business offer from an online customer, bought into a franchise or accepted investments from friends or relatives, the ownership or your home business has may be filled with some wrinkles...

The importance of Guanxi (relationship) when doing business in China

In order to be successful in doing business in China, one needs to realize the importance of Guanxi (relationship). Guanxi (relationship) plays a huge role in determining the success or failure of your business. Establishment of a strong Guanxi (relationship) can truly aid you in your business and increases your chances of being successfully in China.