Business Trends

Is Bad Customer Service Killing Your Business?

It's time to beat the old bad customer service drum again. I know, I'm sick of beating the drum, too, but as long as bad customer service runs rampant through so many businesses I feel it is my entrepreneurial duty to bring it to your attention. So grab a pew and prepare to listen to the sermon I've preached before: bad customer service is the bane of business. If the Almighty smote down every business that dispenses bad customer service, the world would be a much friendlier,...

Web Site Promotion Ideas for Small Businesses

You’ve already figured out that your small business needs a web site to compete with the big boys and maintain every aspect of your relationship with your customers. But once you have your web site up and running, you’ll need web site promotion ideas so that people know about your web site. After all, no one will visit your web site if they don’t know it exists.

How Your Business Can Save Time And Money With High Tech Digital Signage

The digital signage industry has launched due too the low cost pc industry. If you've been out of your house or watched TV lately you've probably seen digital plasmas, LCD screens and billboards. As the price continues to fall commercial business is realizing the huge time and money savings of remotely updateable digital signage.