Business Trends

Software Designed Around Your Needs – Microsoft’s New Small Business Solution

Microsoft has a new service designed with the needs of small businesses in mind—businesses with 10 or less employees. If you’ve thought about taking your business online, Office Live makes it easy for you. There are three different versions of this software to meet the particular needs of your small business: Option One—Basic This first solution is Microsoft’s core product and comes with several free services: • a domain name • web hosting • email in your company n...

Are Business Consulting Companies Worth Your Time And Money?

If your business is in trouble and your loosing money, then hiring any one of the qualified business consulting companies out there may be one of the best choices you can make for your company. Business consulting companies can give you the solutions you need to make your business a success that is their job. They will look and all side of your business and find its strength and its weaknesses and then draw up a plan that is right for your business. Business consulting compan...

How Do I Build A Winning Business Plan? – Part 2

Competitor Analysis - Keep it Real Failure to identify competitors in your business plan is a warning sign to potential investors that either:- you've not done enough research; you haven't acknowledged the competition you face; or that actually the market is not large enough to support any competition. You're not going to find anyone to invest in your business if the latter is true. It is much better if you acknowledge realistic strengths and weaknesses of your closest ...

Who Is Making Money Online

It seems that these days everybody claims they are making money online. In reality, what works for some does not work for everybody. Some of the so-called easy ways to make money online don't work at all, and many ideas are not for everyone. Who is making money online?

Use This Simple Time Tested Process And Move Your Business Forward In 2006!

Another year is just about ready to finish and it is time to start thinking about next year. If you own your own business or you manage a business division, then you need to ask yourself if all of the expectations that were set forth at the beginning of the year were met. If not then maybe what stopped you was a lack of goals and objectives, or just a lack of a good process to use when planning them. The goal setting process is essential to the success or failure of the busin...

Boost Your Business: Publish A Book

Entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for ways to boost their business. One of those ways is to become an author. A book doesn’t have to be 100,000 words and hundreds of pages long. An e-book can be as short as 50 pages, just make sure it’s packed with solid, useable information. How a book can boost your business A book immediately establishes the creditability of the author in their field. Customers feel more secure knowing the company they deal with has recognized ...

For Business Names And Tag Lines, Popularity Shouldn’t Rule

Don't turn your search for the perfect name or tag line into a popularity contest! Two instances of this have crossed my path recently. First, someone I know asked people to vote on the best title for a forthcoming book. That's unwise, because what people say they like in a book title: * Doesn't necessarily distinguish the book from others * Isn't necessarily clear, spellable and free of negative connotations * Doesn't mean those who are the best audience for the boo...