Business Trends

Selling Business Notes for Quicker Cash

In about 85 percent of all business sales, sellers accept a cash down payment and a promissory note to pay the balance in installments. However, many sellers don’t want to be in the lending business and would prefer not to hold business notes. The good news is: they don’t have to. If you created a business note to unload your company, you can sell the note to someone else. Find out how easy it is to sell your your seller financed business note.

The Best Home Business

Being an observer (and participant) of the home business community for the past few years, I've noticed something amusing (and a tad disturbing). This being the tendency of representatives to diminish and slam competing companies in an effort to make their own company look better. We see it all the time, big "flame wars" erupting on message forums, with everyone arguing that this company is better than that one. Even worse is when a new person poses a question about a particu...

How To Really Make Money From Home

I was sitting around today and I was trying to figure out what to right about in regards to my next article; it’s hard because the subjects remain the same but the details change daily. I sat around and decided I would share my thoughts in regards on how I’ve made my website successful; I’ve done this before but I think I’ve figured out a way to express my true feelings in regards to home businesses. I signed a contract my mentor proposed to me, so I can never go too far, and...

Top Money Making Business Reviews

After many years of experience within the internet marketing industry, we at Independent Business Reviews want to provide good quality, honest reviews of the top money making programs right now that actually deliver. There are so many programs available that fail to live up to their promise, and waste your time and money, that it is becoming harder and harder to find ones that genuinely deliver. We list the top 3 reviewed sites that will guarantee your online success.