Business Trends

What’s In A Name? When It Comes To Your Business, Plenty!

Q: How important is the name of a business? Should the name of a business reflect what the business does or is it better to come up with something catchy and easy to remember? -- Randy P. A: What's in a name? When it comes to your business, Randy, a lot more than you might think. In fact, deciding on a business name is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. The right business name can help you rise above the crowd while the wrong business name can leave y...

FOCUS on Your Business Program.

If you are anything like me, you probably find yourself often thinking of new projects to start, new things to achieve.I did that in my beginning on Internet. That in itself is very beneficial and indeed a required ingredient for success. The trick is to know where to draw a line.

Home Business Scams – Tips On Avoiding Them

Maybe the reason you're interested in setting up a home business is because you've seen an ad that perked your interest or you were approached by a friend or colleague about a great home business money-making opportunity and those entrepreneurial juices started to flow. Your imagination starts to flow and dreams of quitting your job fill your every thought. Hello, hey, ok... time to stop dreaming. I hate to burst your bubble or stop your fantasy ride but before you give y...