Business Trends

Corporate Events: Make Your Business Shine Brightly

Corporate events can be a fun way to boost employee morale and sharpen certain skills that will help everyone communicate more effectively in the office. After all, for most people a good job is more than just good pay – creating a positive environment in which to work will help your company retain quality employees and ensure everyone’s happy with the corporate atmosphere.

Analysis of the success and failure of doing business in China

Why some foreign-funded enterprise became successful when entering the China market while others fail, and why some grow relatively faster than the rest? Reasons to explain all these are complex and varied. The following points hope to answer some of the doubts and create some awareness in foreign investors before investing in China.

When Is The Best Time To Incorporate Your Small Business?

If you're a sole proprietor, perhaps you've considered incorporating your small business or self-employment activity. And so maybe you've been wondering, "When is the best time to incorporate?" From a legal standpoint, any time is the best time. The sooner you incorporate, the sooner you make the move from the world of unlimited liability to the world of limited liability. From a tax savings standpoint, any time is the best time. The sooner you incorporate, the soone...

Online Turnkey Business Web Site

As an online web site business owner I can tell you it has been an exciting adventure that I still enjoy. Not only has it been profitable, but also the hours required goes down and your income and business grows. This is very exciting to me and I'm sure to the many others that would like to have more of their time back.