Job Search

100K Jobs – Common Mistakes Made in the Search for 100K Job Opportunities

'To err is human'- but to err with searching jobs can deal a deathly blow to your career aspirations and ambitions. Here are 5 common mistakes that we make when searching for that $100,000 job. Naturally, if you go wrong with searching a job that pays of this magnitude, you're making a big mistake somewhere! Here are some warning signs and mistakes that you should steer clear of to get that dream job in your kitty!

Public Relations Jobs – How to Succeed in an Internship in Public Relations

Internship jobs are more about survival than anything else. It is the performance of an individual as an intern that goes on to define their future career. Now that you've bagged a good PR internship offer with a great PR company, you would like to succeed in such an entry level PR opportunity with ease. However as much as it is a learning opportunity for interns it is the successful completion of the assignment that should matter to you as an intern.

Jobs in Advertising – Common Myths about Advertising Manager Jobs

The jobs in advertising are proving to be one of the most lucrative job options available to you in the current scenario. With the recent economic crises that led to the global economy meltdown a number of traditional job options have lost the tempo and the momentum. A number of people were fired and it is quite true that there are a large number of well qualified people who are not getting their deserved jobs. With the conditions being this critical it is very important that everyone finds their own niche that will enable you to sustain yourself and your family.

100K Salary Jobs – Top Myths about Making 100K a Year

They say to make big bucks, you need to dream bigger. True to this observation, dreaming bigger and more will help you motivate yourself and self motivation is the biggest motivation. However, if just by dreaming, one could make it big - then the biggest gainers would have been the laziest people on the planet! There are more myths associated with earning big than actually earning that amount!

Jobs in Marketing – Q & A About Government Marketing Jobs

Marketing jobs are suddenly generating a lot of interest and curiosity. Management graduates now want to get into marketing jobs as opposed to finance jobs because of the creative freedom that the job would give them, the expanding market, and the tremendous growth opportunities. Marketing jobs are no longer the door-to-door salesmen jobs that they used to be.

Job Opportunities – Q & A about Work from Home Jobs

If the recent economic crises has hit you on a more personal level and you are looking for other avenues to earn a bit of extra money you have the opportunity to invest your time and money in the home jobs. There are a number of home jobs available to you now and they pay quite handsomely. The home jobs are also the one of a kind solution for the retired men and even the housewives who want to earn some money by working in the free time.