Job Search

6 Figure Jobs – Warning Signs to Watch Out for in 6 Figure Job Scams

Job scams are not unheard of now. Statistics and surveys suggest that there are more scam jobs waiting for you than real jobs out there! Moreover, since the inception of the internet, people have been especially fooled too much and may times over! With new graphics and technologies emerging, things appear flashier and genuine. But the old proverb remains - all that glitters is not gold! Here are some warning signs that you should go through to prevent yourself from falling into a trap!

Jobs in Public Relations – 7 Steps Getting Fashion PR Jobs

The fashion industry is one of the top earning and lucrative industry of the world. Be it models, advertisements, supermodels, celebrities, or even sports stars; everyone is pulled into the fashion industry. Having said that, the fashion industry is a big arena to discuss business; also for the paparazzi too! Therefore it comes naturally that a fashion publicist would have one of the most lucrative and entertaining jobs in the world. However glitzy though it may appear from the outside, it is a job of immense pressure.

Advertising PR Jobs – Top Mistakes Made in Advertising PR Jobs

To consider that getting into an advertising PR job is the ultimate thing to have happened to you is the first mistake on your part. Agreed that it was very difficult for you to get inside and once you get that job, it calls for a celebration; but you should be careful enough to not let the job opportunity slip out of your hands.

Accounting Jobs – Tips for Doing Well in Accounting Jobs

Thinking of which career opportunity to get into in this era of huge opportunities? The competition is huge and this goes without saying that you will need to plan way in advance. It is also very essential that you choose the career option based on your area of interest. This helps you grow in the field much faster owing to your interest in the same.