Job Search

Skills For Management Jobs

To be a successful manager, you need to unite, motivate, inspire and direct your team towards fulfilling a set of predefined goals. That statement summarizes what interviewers for management jobs look for in job applicants and the eventual interviewees. Whether you are looking for jobs in management or you are preparing to rise up the proverbial corporate ladder in to a higher management position in your organization, there are specific qualities that you need to demonstrate in order to stand any chance at vying for and landing a management position.

Underground Construction Jobs – How to Build Underground

With the concept of living changing over the decades, underground construction jobs are up to cater to the growing demand of new age home builders. People have become all the more environment conscious and want to live in a greener environment these days. If you have no problems working underground, there are plenty of jobs available. You can apply to underground construction agencies to look for openings at places near you.

Construction and Other Jobs Getting a Shot in the Arm

Thank the democratic system and the election in November, the President is focused on taking radical measures and have positive statistics regarding the economy as quickly as possible. There is no doubt that better measures are being taken, and while ''spending for prosperity'' seems to remain the federal strategy, the government has woken up to the fact that ''creation of jobs'' for statistical purposes is not cutting any ice anywhere.

Tackling the Mysterious Lack of Jobs from a Social Angle

We are in the third week of July 2010, and it's official that since June 2, 2010, more than 2.5 million unemployed have lost their unemployment benefits. And this situation has happened in spite of a federal government supported 73 weeks of unemployment benefits on top of the 26 weeks offered by the States, bringing the figure up to 99 weeks, and still millions of people fail to find jobs within that time. You could have blamed the jobless if the numbers were in hundreds, or even in thousands, but when it is in millions, the jobless cannot be blamed.

You Are Still a Greenhorn If You Miss the Fact of Green Jobs

People in every trade and profession are becoming environment friendly, and ''green,'' for going ''green'' is good for the world, good for you, and good for job prospects. Of course, environment-awareness has different implications for different mindsets, as Rev. Jesse Jackson recently found out while attending Detroit to lead a ''green jobs'' rally. Apparently, some car thieves were so impressed by environment-awareness that they decided the gas-guzzling rented Cadillac SUV did not go well with the Reverend's mission and vision, and they appropriated the vehicle.

Jobs in Advertising – Tips on Finding Job Opportunities in Advertising

Finding jobs in advertising is no big deal these days as there are plenty of work opportunities in this sector. Companies want their sales to go up after the recession and they are all checking out ad agencies to run campaigns for their products and services. Getting a job might be easy, but you need to follow some real time tips to find the dream job for embarking on a career in advertising.

Jobs Belong to Purple Squirrels Transferable Skills and Broader Skill Sets Find Demand

While the jobless and extorted are leaving no stone unturned to look for jobs, employers are searching for purple squirrels. And in case you are wondering what's that, it's the latest buzzword in HR circles: a ''purple squirrel'' is the tag given to that hard-to-find job candidate, whose skill sets fit in with an employer's requirements exceedingly well. Purple squirrels are notorious for being difficult to woo out of their holes, as usually they are fruitfully engaged within self-created comfort zones.