Job Search

Inequitable Distribution of Wages Contribute To Lack of Jobs and Continuing Recession

One does not need to be an economist to possess common sense, something that economists in general seem to be lacking remarkably. Even if the recession started on the housing bubble, it continues to survive due to inequitable distribution of wages within companies, something that employers astutely choose to remain blind to.

This Holiday Season Will Definitely See a Boost in the Numbers of Temporary Jobs

While experts, even those from New York Times, are predicting a dim outlook for holiday jobs, the reality doesn't add up that way, if you understand the fundamentals of business and economics. And I strongly believe it is time to brush up your resume for handling temporary jobs in the retail sector.

It’s Good to Complete Higher Education before Jumping for Jobs

Not everybody has the opportunity, or can afford to go for higher education, however, if your situation allows it, then passing up higher education for a job right now can be a mistake. While no theories are universal in application and nobody can foretell your personal future, life remains a game of chances, and all of us use statistics to calculate the probabilities of success of our chosen course of action.

Time Economy Jobs and Productivity Economy Jobs

In a law firm, when an attorney stops billing hours and no longer has any work, the person will be very close to losing his or her job. Survival in law firms involves staying busy and making work all the time. This is one reason it is so hard for young attorneys to stay employed in law firms. They find that they must ingratiate themselves with the right people, in order to consistently get work. Moreover, they have to do excellent quality work. And finally, because law firms typically charge clients by the hour, the attorneys are expected to bill lots of hours because, unless they do, the law firm will not make money. If an attorney stops churning out the hours, he or she will soon be out of a job.

Lawyers and Jobs in the Government Have a Fleeting Relationship

It's no big secret, but lawyers' jobs in the government seem to be under scanner currently by David Kotz, the inspector general of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Apparently, Kotz has stumbled upon the big secret known to the lawyers' employment market for centuries: people in government lawyers' jobs leave to join private practice and consequently difficulties arise in impartial execution of due processes of law. Kotz is reported to have brought the matter to the notice of Sen. Charles Grassley, who is on the Senate Finance Committee.

To Get Jobs, You Need To Think and Strategize According To Your Immediate Surroundings

Just to brighten up your day, before we get into the serious part of this article, two highly respected economists (Matthew E. Kahn and Matthew J. Kotchen) have recently published their momentous discovery that in states where unemployment grows high, internet searches on ''unemployment'' increase (extremely surprising, that) while similar searches on ''global warming'' decrease.

Advertising Jobs – Top 5 Tips to Achieve Success in Advertising

Advertising jobs can unleash your latent creativity, but you also need to follow some real hot tips to succeed in the profession. You should aim at constant self improvement in public relations exercise which is a major area in pursuing a career in advertising. With companies wanting to sell more in the wake of the worst recession, a focused advertising campaign is much sought after. You too can achieve success in an ad job by following 5 tips.

Advertising Sales Reps Jobs

Looking for a career as an advertising sales rep? Well, for that you must have adequate amount of info concerning this job profile, which requires confidence, and has to be made approachable and interesting by you. You are to propagate, through advertising of course, the demand of your potential client, and convince them in order to generate revenue.

Marketing Advertising Jobs – How to Know if Marketing Advertising is Right for You

Even though there are plenty of marketing advertising jobs in the market these days which are apparently lucrative, you have to decide whether you are cut out for the challenges ahead. Marketing advertising is one of the most popular advertising jobs available these days. You can find them from a simple search on the internet and short list companies and positions you think would be suitable for your skill and experience.