Job Search

Job Advertisement – How to Work in Advertisement Jobs

Getting an ad job by applying against a job advertisement to further advertisement careers is a big challenge. But the real challenge begins after you have landed up at the advertisement agency and have to prove yourself every minute that you are really the deserving candidate. There are several ways you can improve right from the time you join on the first day of your job.

5 Unusual Jobs You Can Get with a Nursing Degree

By the year 2014 – just eight years away – there will be 3.6 million new jobs available in the medical profession, and the bulk of those jobs – about 60% of them – will be open to those with nursing degrees of one kind or another. The demand for registered nurses is highest – the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the number of jobs available for registered nurses will rise by 27% by 2014 – but there will also be increased opportunities for certified nursing assistants...

Sales Jobs in Chicago – Top 10 Sales Job Opportunities in Chicago

Among the top ten sales jobs in Chicago, the pharmaceutical as well as the medical field in general offers loads of opportunities. It is a bustling city and one of the densest in the US. Considered to be a premier location in mid western US, Chicago offers loads of readily available sales opportunities. Sales management jobs are also very lucrative openings as companies want to turn around and make more profits after the recession.

Typing Jobs At Home

The web site is becoming home to the many Data Entry or Type at Home enthusiasts. Why not, where can you make so much and spend so little to get started working at home. It makes perfect sense to me.

Advertising Jobs – Tips on Working in Advertising

While applying for advertising jobs, you need to follow a process for getting the best possible results. The ad world is competitive and companies are increasingly looking for best talents who can hit the ground running. Jobs are hard to come by these days and the recession has more or less ensured that unless you are a top drawer performer, you may be shown the door at the earliest opportunity.