
Restaurant Supply Can Help With Effective Time Management

The restaurant business is quite unlike any other. Many people who fantasize about owning or running a restaurant have no idea what an incredibly painstaking and time consuming endeavor it can be. Those who do take the plunge into restaurant ownership quickly learn what it means to take on multiple responsibilities. Of course, hiring good help can make a world of difference, especially to owners who perform double duty as head chef or to those who have outside obligations (and let's face it...who doesn't?). Still, the most important quality that successful restaurant owners share is the ability to effectively manage their time.

Seven Offline Viral Marketing Ideas

Recently I participated in a forum discussion about offline marketing – that is using more traditional marketing offline to drive traffic to your website or blog. I can still remember the first time I saw a URL in a TV commercial and how cool I thought that was. The offline world has the constraint of geography, so the least expensive forms of viral marketing are going to be geographically bound, which can be challenging for some sites. Someone on the forum said that offli...

Reverse Merger, IPO Or Direct Public Offering (DPO), Which One Is Right For You?

A direct public offering is when a company raises capital by selling its shares directly to what is refer to as affinity groups, unlike an IPO which are sold by a broker dealer to its customers and the general public through other broker dealers who have customers interested in buying shares in the company.

What It Takes To Belong To The Adsense Web Sites And Get The Money To Start Rolling In?

Google has offered web masters to gain full revenue potential out from their web sites. This is of course through the use of Google’s adsense. With adsense web masters are given a share of the profit gained by Google on the advertisements that they placed on a particular site. The adsense are carefully matched to the content of the website. They are also matched to the color of the theme of the web site. The reason for this is to make web visitors think that the advertisem...