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Gov. Schwarzenegger sends out 20,000 Warning Letters To State Employees

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schwareGovernor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger has begun the previously announced course of layoffs to take place amongst thousands of state workers.

20,000 California state employees will be receiving notices that they could lose their jobs on Tuesday, according to Aaron McLear, spokesman for Schwarzenegger.

Schwarzenegger’s administration is looking to cut around 10,000 jobs in an effort to slash 10 percent of state workers from the governments payroll.

The notices will be sent to workers in corrections, health and human services as well as other agencies that receive money from the state’s general fund.
The notices were put on temporary hold as the California government held a marathon weekend session in an attempt to compromise the state’s $42 million budget gap; however, the weekend session failed to garner enough votes.

According to officials, the layoffs should save $750 million in the ’09-’10 fiscal year.

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Gov. Schwarzenegger sends out 20,000 Warning Letters To State Employees by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes