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Increasing Popularity of Outsourcing Data Entry Services to India

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Increasing Popularity of Outsourcing Data Entry Services to India

Outsourcing Data Entry Services provides reliable and affordable data entry services like Data Entry Job Work, Offline Data Entry, Online Data Entry, Copy paste Data Entry, Manual Data Entry Services with quality and 99.98% accuracy.

While thinking of outsourcing data entry services to India, there are several factors that are most affective at time of selection of outsourcing Company. There are two questions, which help us to understand the causes of increasing popularity of outsourcing data entry services.

1)    Why any company has to outsourcing Data Entry Services?
2)     Why from India?

Why any company has to outsourcing Data Entry Services??

Concentration on Core Area:

In this Global World Market different companies have their different and core activities to develop fastest than their competitors. So their concentration has to be made on their core goals and target. 

Non Productive though Important

The Data Entry is non-productive work though it’s compulsory to do in regular basis with quality and 99.99% accuracy. If the Data Entry is filled wrongly, it causes to goals of the companies and also to the planning and estimate, as certain important decisions have to be taken on the basis of the collected Data the company has.

Time saving
Outsourcing Data Entry saves the time, which may useful to increase the core activity of the business like production, marketing and etc.
Why from India?

Now after getting above given answers for taking the decisions of Outsourcing Data Entry Services, the question arises that where to outsource the Data Entry Services??

The Answer is strait – India the developing and growing county of Asia with huge outsourcing industry.
There are also certain factors for selecting Data entry Services to the India such as:
Less Cost in the Industry

The Booming Outsourcing Industry of India provides cheapest rate than the others. It’s as cheap as your cost reduced more than 60%. The reduction of 60% cost includes all expenditure current as well as fixed.

They are providing the different option for choosing the services as per your budget and requirement. The Standard and perfect example of Outsourcing Data Entry Services as under,

Tier 1               1 to 3 Agent                  $4.50 per hour
Tier 2               4 to 6 Agent                 $4.00 per hour
Tier 3             7 to 10 Agent                $3.50 per hour
Tier 4             10+ Agent                $2.5 per hour

Sourced by:

Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
Such reputed Company like provides NDA for Data security assurance. The Personnel of the company also maintain importance and confidential matters of Data.

Trained Workers
In India the companies like hires trained workers and in necessary they give the training to the worker in order to work improvement. As they are the trained and experience, there are no clerical mistakes, the quality and accuracy found 99.98%.

We work when you sleep – 24/7/365
In India you can get 24/7 services with same qualitative results, there are no holidays, no week off. You will provide full time services.

Outputs – Results

The total Output or results of outsourcing data entry service to India is 100% satisfactory, qualitative, and trustworthy, as per your requirements.

So what do you think???? Still Thinking…??

Increasing Popularity of Outsourcing Data Entry Services to India by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes