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Laura Betterly Explains Why Some Sales Go Bad

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Why do some sales go bad? You know what I mean, seems like its going great and then no communication, no calls back. It can be the cause of a real sales slump.

Now why would a prospect start out adversarial? Well, as much as they might need and want or have some interest they don’t want to be sold. How do you sell without selling? It has to do with how the salesperson actually cares about his prospect. I’ll tell you this, I never sold anything to someone I didn’t like and who didn’t like me. It needs to be genuine and not hype.

How do you do this? Well, you got to listen. Some sales people are so intent on talking to the prospect about what they can do for them, they forget to ask, what do you do? How can I be of service? Asking that, and not doing this as an exercise, but really caring for the prospect will make the difference in getting a prospect interested.

Now, what if you’ve done all that and the prospect just vanishes off the side of the earth?

Well, here are a few things I’ve found out:

1. The prospect is not really qualified in the first place. They act like they can afford to buy, but then get too embarrassed to tell the truth.

2. The prospect is not really the decision maker and is unwilling to tell you so.

3. There is something about you personally that reminds the prospect of someone else they don’t like, and as such, won’t buy.

4. There was some sort of personal emergency that occurred and the prospect gets back in touch when the emergency is over.

5. The prospect was a competitor and was calling to get information from you.

6. The prospect is from an alien race of beings that never buy anything anyway.

Regardless, keep this in mind for your own sales and let’s make an agreement not to do this to anyone who is selling anything to you. From a karma standpoint, it will work to your advantage.

Laura Betterly Explains Why Some Sales Go Bad by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes