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Ways to Make Money Online

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There are various ways to make money online. Owing to the constricted space allotted to this article, let us discuss this in relation to building and offering content to various websites. Content again is of different kinds – responder mails, articles, site-content etc. The following ways to make money online are perhaps the easiest for any writing professional:

1. Promote yourself: When you write content, always make sure that there is a short advertisement or a link to your website at the end or in the author’s bio box. People who appreciate your writing skills can get in touch with you for their requirements.

2. Affiliate Products: In the author’s bio box, you can also promote affiliate products and make commissions on the sales made through the links. You could simply register a domain name, put it in the author’s bio box and redirect it to the affiliate link.

3. Content Sites: Build a content website with your own articles. These websites attract a lot of free traffic from search engines. You could place Google Adsense advertisements on the content site pages and earn by the click. This probably is one of the easiest ways to make money online.

4. Blogs: Publish a blog. Blog is a favorite with search engines due to fresh contents updated regularly. You can publish the blog with small bits and pieces form your own articles to attract more traffic from search engines.

5. Mailing Lists: Collect information from your visitors including their email addresses. This would help you to send newsletters and promotions regularly.

6. Info Products: Accumulate enough articles to make them into an e-book. Make the articles continuous and divide them into chapters. With little changes, you can have a e-book to sell.

7. Viral E-Book: Use the viral marketing approach, add a promotional copy and some of your own links and affiliate links and give it away free. This will help advertise your products and services free, by far one of the best ways to make money online.

Out of the myriad ways available to make money online, selling intellect is a no investment business. It only involves your time. Intellect at its lowest rung is content development, requiring only good imagination and language skills.

Ways to Make Money Online by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes