Monthly Archives: January 2010

Aim High, Fly High with Flyers

Advertising is one of the most efficient means of reaching out for customers. It is with this medium that businesses are able to inform and keep people aware of the newest updates that the company is offering. Advertising is a two way processes where businesses provides informative information about their services to the people and as well as people respond to their advertisement and thus giving them more sales and profits. However in order to achieve the desired need businesses must be able to

How To Make Money With Contextual Advertising

Introduction to Contextual Advertising Recently, advertisers have come to realize the large potential of the Internet as a media when it comes to advertisements. Advertisers are especially interested in using contextual advertising since it delivers targeted ads to a more receptive target audience. Contextual advertising is a type of online advertising used mostly for content-based websites. With contextual advertising a program or system automatically scans a webpage’s...

A Simple Get Rich Quick Idea

In the immortal words of Emmerson, "all I need is one idea" Overnight wealth has a certain stigma that "sensible" people seem to be resistant to. The idea of the get rich quick variety is an object of ridicule and derision in alot of peoples eyes. However, with a little focused action and the right knowledge, rapid wealth is not only possible for you, but inevitable for the determined. The first thing I want to do is qualify the above by saying "quick" means several years...

Angel Investor Groups

Angel investor groups are acquiring better acknowledgment as primary patrons in early-stage industry, attaining eminent rankings in industry-related annual surveys of private equity investment firms for entrepreneurs.

Be Single Minded

As long as the advertising industry has been in existence there has been debate about whether advertising is art or commerce. Quite frankly, this kind of divisive argument is a waste of time and has only helped to diminish what little respect the industry has earned through the years. Besides, the answer is simple. Advertising is the art of commerce.