Monthly Archives: January 2010

Don’t Read This Article – I Dare You!

See? It worked! The title said 'Don't Read This Article - I Dare You!', and here you are reading it anyway. Victory for me and my amazing psychic abilities? Hardly. Actually, this Maiden Voyage article of The Don't Chronicles has but one goal: to teach you the power of negative thinking! No, I don't mean that you should give up on your positive attitude. I mean that people don't like to be told "DON'T!" Think about it. Why did you read this article? Defiance? Curiosi...

Dynamic Marketing Concept Draws Thousands To Its Free Teleseminar

What is making this business opportunity so popular is, that after some initial effort, you can just lay back and let the company do the work for you and actually collect an income. Or if you prefer, and most do, put forth some additional effort and make a very comfortable income. Many have found it to be an excellent method to earn cash from home.

Embroidered Company Logo: Making Your Logo Wearable through Digitizing

Putting a company logo into embroidery format requires a technique called digitizing. There are a few tips for making logos embroidery ready and preparing it for the process of digitizing. By following these few steps and taking time to plan, the outcome of the company logo will be more what you want and less thrown together.

Exhibits Q&A: The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Different Types Of Exhibits And Displays

* What are the advantages and disadvantages of pop-up exhibits? Pop-up displays are fairly lightweight and compact. They can be folded into one or two cases. These displays are also easy to set up. Pop-up displays offer little in the way of flexibility, however. Because the frame must be fully opened to be stable, users cannot adjust the frame to fit smaller or larger spaces. * What are the advantages and disadvantages of panel displays? A panel display usually ...

E-marketing Basics: Pro And Cons Of Hour Targeting

One of the main advantages of advanced internet technologies is the possibility of hour targeting for ads served to web sites. Exactly how such targeting is done, that is a tech issue far beyond our e-Marketing topic. What is important to us, e-Marketers, is to be aware of this facility web servers have and use it towards making online campaigns more efficient. Hour targeting is especially useful when: - we already know the online buying habits of our target; - we w...