Monthly Archives: January 2010

Managing Risk: The Disaster Plan That You Will Need!

A very important factor in any business is how you manage risk – yet it is a factor that is often ignored by home businesses. You have to realise that any time you start a business, you are taking the risk that the business might fail. What experienced people do is shield themselves from risk at every opportunity, to make sure that they can keep a business going for months on the brink of disaster, and wind it down gracefully if it really has to go under. You need to ha...

The Lie About Leads

I get a dozen e-mails a week offering me “free leads.” Most of these advertisements are bait to get agents to sign on with a particular insurance wholesaler or product provider as they grovel to add value by providing agents tools that will help make sales. But let’s take a closer look at what the industry calls a “lead” as this word is used inconsistently. The agent needs to know what’s being offered. Cold lead—this is worthless—it’s a name form a mailing list broker. The...

Relax Your Customer

One of the most important skills a doctor can posses, is that of a bed side manner. In the same sense, it is important that sales people posses the same type of skill, to be able to put their customer at ease.

Restaurant Supply a Lifesaver for Caterer

A few years ago, I was working as a catering manager of a local historic hotel. The hotel had been in terrible condition for many years until a group of investors purchased it and began the long arduous process of renovation. They were able to get the majority of it renovated before the funding started to run out, at which time they opened for business to offset some of the costs of ownership. As a result, all of the rooms, lobby and ballroom were completely renovated, while the restaurant was still in a sorry state.