Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Employee Time Clock

Many of us still remember those punch clocks that our parents used to punch in and out of work, these machines were planned to keep an eye on the time employees spent and hopefully worked at the work place. For many years, companies have relied on employee time clocks to accurately record how many hours are worked by each employee every week. Even though clocks have changed, these companies need to have some type of system that they can use to create payroll and ensure emp...

The Chief Cause Of Business Failure And Success

Business rises and falls on leadership. According to business guru, Brian Tracy, “Leadership is the most important single factor in determining business success or failure in our competitive, turbulent, fast-moving economy.” Still not convinced? Based on a study by Jessie Hagen of the US Bank, here are the main reasons why businesses fail: • Poor Business Planning • Poor Financial Planning • Poor Marketing • Poor Management Proper application of these key facto...

How Your Small Business Can Benefit from Custom Screen Printed T-Shirts

America is the land of opportunity and with that the land of small businesses. The U.S. has made it easy for just about anyone to work up the courage and capital and start up their own business. Having realized that you can do it, one arrives at the paradox that so can everyone else. How do you make your small business stand out and rise above the competition? One way is to use custom screen printed t-shirts as a way of looking more professional and as advertising.

Identity Theft of your Limited Company

Having formed a limited company you will probably get on with making your business a success. However you have probably not considered the potential for your company to be hijacked. Without your knowledge an individual may steal the identity of your company and begin to open bank accounts and enter into fraudulent contracts. A few simple steps can help to prevent this from occurring.