Monthly Archives: January 2010

Use The Probability Factor To Start Your Small Home Business

How do you find a business that is right for you and has a great probability of success? There are two steps that you should take. 1. Pick something that interests you. Better yet, pick something that you are passionate about. If you are not interested or you don't like it, the work rapidly becomes drudgery and you will likely quit after having invested a lot time and money. 2. Find out if there is a market for you business. This is important because if there isn't a ma...

So You Wanna Work At Home, But Are You Ready To Become Self-Employed?

So, you're interested in starting a business and you face a daunting task that carries a level of risk and excitement not possible in the world of the 'employee'. If the financial and spiritual independence of self-employment appeals to you - no income limits, no boss and the ability to let your personal drive determine your earnings, then you will be eagerly going over the many options to free yourself from your current job. However, the rush of financial excitement ...

Points to consider in Brochure Printing

Great looking and promotional brochures create a compelling image of your company, its’ products and services. Whatever your promotional need be, the brochure format is the best answer to your needs. Brochures prove to be extremely versatile in content and use. You could hand them out at trade shows or provide them to your sales reps as selling aids. Whatever the mode of distribution of your brochure be, it’s printing has to be constant and attractive to gain the attention of the reader.

Poor Advertising of a Good Product

Why do they create a bad advertising for this fine quality product? It is still a mystery that to me. But we will attempt to figure out why it happens. First of all let’s define what we mean under bad advertising. It is an advertising that has not worked. That is it. The aim of the advertising might be…