Monthly Archives: January 2010

Moms, What Will It Take For You To Stay At Home?

With the cost of living constantly on the rise, it's getting harder and harder for moms to say at home with their children. As the price of housing, gas, insurance, and everything else skyrockets, millions of women are having to forego their dream of being a stay-home mom. Even if you're married, with a spouse who earns a very nice paycheck, staying at home can mean a big change in your lifestyle. You and your kids will have to do without many of the nice things in life, a...

Mom’s Home Based Business

Women from all walks of life are looking to work from home or create an online home-based business. Many have a burning desire to own their own business, while others may be stay at home moms simply wanting to spend more time with their families.

Home Business: Why Wouldn’t You?

If you are a business man or at least own or do business with a people on a regular basis, I have only one question for you. Are you working at home, and if not why the heck not? Let me tell you that I used to think, much like you probably do, that home business was for the freaks and the social derelicts among us who couldn’t take the pressures of the boiler room. Right? That is what you are thinking right now aren’t you? Well I just want you to be open minded and listen ...

All About Milk Teeth

The first set of teeth, or milk-teeth as they are called, are twenty in number; they usually appear in pairs, and those of the lower jaw generally precede the corresponding ones of the upper.