Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Publishing Business

Publishing is a fascinating business and the process that goes into the making of books and newspapers is an interesting one. These days, with the world of digital information and the internet upon us, the scope of publishing now also includes websites, blogs and the like. From the business perspective, publishing isn't just printing literature or information but also the development, marketing, distribution and even promotion of the printed works. It is not as simple as i...

The Phone From Hell

Last April, our office secretary retired after thirty-seven years on the job. I had been around as department manager for the last fifteen of them, and I knew we were going to have an impossible time replacing her. She was unbelievable, to say the least. My impression of her was that God himself would have been jealous of her organizational skills. She had slowed down a bit as we all do after so many years in the same position, but she knew the ins and outs of our office so well that she was able to make her very complicated job seem effortless.

Home Based Business Leads Made Easy

You have started a home based business, and you want to make it grow. However, your time is being spent on maintaining your business, and you just are not sure how much time you can devote to building home based business leads. There are a number of companies that can research home based business leads for you in order to save you time and increase your revenue.

Mom, Are You Happy?

I’m a new Stay at Home Mom and I’m just miserable. I love my baby, but I miss my career and my co-workers. Going back to work isn’t an option. But, how can I be happy? What can I do? Signed – Miserable in MO Dear Miserable, Making the transition from a busy career woman to a stay at home mom can be quite a struggle, especially if you really enjoyed your job and your co-workers. I’ve been there! Don’t get me wrong. Being a Stay at home mom is a great job. I’ve been an ...

Can A Learning Management System Help Your Business?

It is well known in today's time that knowledge is power and the more training your employee's receive, the better the employee, thus having a more successful company. Businesses today need to be constantly looking for a more efficient way to manage their business and it's a smart idea to invest in a learning management system that will help those within the business run a better business. The more knowledgeable the employee the stronger partnership between boss and employee,...

Can Professional Sales Training Improve Your Bottom Line?

Sales is like any other business. There are people who just do it as there jobs and are pretty good, there are people who do it cause its what they want to do, and are great at it, and there are people who are in the process of burning out. Only, doing sales, you burn out much more quickly than in other fields. That's why it wouldn't even make sense to do professional sales training as you're starting out – how do you know you'll even be in it for more than a year or two. ...